Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whew, glad that's over!

Ok, so I don't feel like talking about 'Charlie' today.  I'm in a good mood and I'll just get all pissy if I start thinking about that.

I know I said 'tomorrow' but last week turned into 'omg Hallowe'en is in less than a week and I have a shit ton to do'.

The Hallowe'en party was great crazy..  We were led to hysterics most of the night by one of the girl's friends, who is quite possibly the funniest kid on the planet.  There is even a picture of me laughing so hard, I look like a horse.  No, you can't see it.  It's a little frightening.  Then there was the kid who kept launching himself onto people like it was the UFC championships.  He already had a cast on his arm.  I wonder why.  Maybe because he's freakishly hyper and can't seem to stop running, screaming, or crashing into things people.  One of the games we did was big kids vs little kids in wrapping someone in toilet paper.  Oh, big mistake.  In case you were ever thinking about playing this game, don't.  The result will be finding bits of toilet paper in random areas of your house for months.  I know it's only been 4 days but I'm still finding some and expect to for quite some time. 

But...all the kids seem to have had fun, and a huge Thank you to the Witchdoctor and her family for helping out with the party and even better, helping me to clean up afterwards.

Took the kids out trick or treating on Sunday. The girl was a cat, the boy was Jason.  Some of the girls friends came with us including a homeless person in a shopping cart.  They decorated the cart with glowsticks, and every house my daughter went to, she took 2 bags and said 'This is for the guy in the shopping cart'.  We ditched them.

I just found more toilet paper sticking out from under my monitor. 

Some exciting news...the boy is going to be taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  He goes for his one on one orientation tonight and is so excited that he dropped to the floor with his hands over his mouth when I told him.  When he gets his yellow belt, he can take weapons class.  Great idea, let's teach the 9 year old how to use nunchuks.
It keeps telling me that 'nunchuks' is not a word.  I googled it, I win.  Also, in case you were wondering, 'googled' is not a word either. 

Some messages from today:

'so what you up to do you want company'  Tempting,  No capitals, no punctuation.  At all.  Go back to school.

'hi how are you today what you doing'  Go catch the bus with the first guy.

Ok, that's really about it.  That was sort of a lame game, I'm sorry.  Although the first guy did then proceed to ask if I wanted company.  Sure stranger!  Come on down!  What's that?  You have to stop at the gun store  first?  That's ok, I need some time to lock up the valuables anyway.  Why do guys think that girls are going to invite random strangers into their home?  Do people really do this?  And if you do, STOP IT!  No, chances are they are *not* some psycho/rapist/killer/ but really, do you want to take the chance that they are?

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