Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Double digits!

My boy turned 10 today.  He's been through a lot in those 10 years.  Some good, some bad, but we've always made it through. 

I remember when I was in the hospital in labour, and my room was FULL of people.  His Father, his Grandmother, my Mother and Grandmother, my Dad at one point, a friend here and there and 3 of my 4 midwives.  My hospital room was like a circus car.  And I'm laying mostly naked on a bed, in a whole hell of a lot of pain and couldn't have cared less who was there. 

My baby boy was about to be born. 

Once all of the spectacular childbirth stuff was over, I'll never forget the first comment made by one of the midwives.  'Look how big his mouth is!'

Then I heard his first cry, and all the pain was forgotten in an instant.   He was placed on my chest and when I first looked into those huge, blue eyes...there are no words to describe what it's like to look into your child's eyes for the first time.

It still seems like yesterday that he was drooling incessantly all over everything.  I remember all the firsts...his first steps, his first day of school and, of course, the first time he got stitches.  His first award, his first lost tooth and his first heartbreak.  He has a lot of 'firsts' to get through and I hope I can help him make it through them. 

My sweet, snuggly baby boy is fast becoming the man he will be.  The childhood toys have been left behind now.  On to bigger and better things, he is never one to slow down.  He will race towards adulthood with frightening speed.  So, for now...I'll take all the hugs, cuddles, and after-bath snuggles I can get, while he's still willing to give them.


  1. That was lovely and describes the boy so completely. Where on earth did those 10 years go?

  2. If you find them please call me, and let them know that I'd like them to come back.

  3. I will let you know ASAP! I'm thinking of putting up posters...
