Friday, October 22, 2010

Why hello...

So.  Here I am, I made it, and I'm sure you're all overjoyed.  'All' being the 0 people I have on here so far.

I was discussing blogs with The Witchdoctor (the bestie) and I decided I should start up again.

You're welcome.

Things going on right now:  In a moment of insanity, I came to the conclusion that throwing a Halloween party for the kids would be the 'best idea ever'.  I should have realized that things could only go downhill after I couldn't find any invitations so spent 4 hours making some.  I'm just now starting to realize what I have to actually do for this party.  Food, drinks, decorations, costumes, prizes, goody bags. So, I figured I'd bake/make some things for the party.  Yeah, I burned pre-made cookies in the oven last night...this should turn out wonderfully. 

I'm sure I'm missing something important and half the kids are going to leave in tears.  Happy Halloween!

 I leave you with this:
Anything you may be drinking that comes out of your nose, I cannot be held responsible for.  If you pee, also not my fault.

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